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There aren't many requirements: Radix runs applications written in Python, Java, .NET, JavaScript, or LOLCODE equally well. If it can be built and deployed as Docker containers, we are nearly ready. If not, it's not hard to "dockerise" most applications.


Builds in Radix are Docker builds! The Docker builds guide has recommendations for creating good Dockerfile(s) that work well in the cloud ☁️

An in-depth understanding of Docker is not a requirement, but it helps to be familiar with the concepts of containers and images. There are many beginner tutorials online; here's one of the most straightforward: Getting Started with Docker.

It is also expected that you have a basic understanding of Git (branching, merging) and some networking (ports, domain names).


A GitHub repository for our code is required (only GitHub is supported at the moment). However other repositories can be used to build images, which can be used in a deploy only workflow in Radix.

Radix config file (radixconfig.yaml)

A radixconfig.yaml file that defines the running environments. By default, it is in the root directory of our repository and in the branch we set as our Config Branch when we register our application in Radix. Usually we set it to main or master, but you can use any branch in your repository.

See the 📖 radixconfig.yaml documentation.