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Radix team offer onboard support for teams or projects, where we walk through your application and togheter try to find out if Radix is a good fit for you. Contact us on slack for more information.

You should have a basic understanding of some technologies are required for working efficient with Radix.

For questions around topics covered in this section, its recommended to ask on slack and channel developer_community. This is where the biggest number of people are ready to answer your questions.

git / github

A basic understanding of Git and GitHub is required to use Radix. git - the simple guide is a good place to start.

docker / containers

Even if your not using Radix, we would still recommend you to learn how to use Docker for containerization, and use it for hosting. It has many benefits when utilizing cloud.

What is a container and Benefits of containers are both good videos to explain what and why containers. Best practice contains references to other relevant resources.

OAuth 2.0 - Authentication and Authorization

If your API needs to be protected and only accessible for a group of users, understanding of OAuth 2.0 is required. Again this is not bound to Radix, but general knowledge needed when hosting applications in Azure (and cloud). Radix authentication service can be a good place to start.

Azure services

Other Azure services, as storage, is often needed together with Radix.