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Build secrets

Build secrets without BuildKit

With an option false, to ensure that multiline build secrets are handled correct by the build, all Build secrets are passed as ARG-s during container build, base-64 encoded (they need to be decoded before use).


#an argument, passed to `docker build` with `--build-arg` option

#decode `SECRET1` argument and assign it to `BUILD_ARG` variable for further commands in this `RUN`
RUN BUILD_ARG=$(echo $SECRET1|base64 -d) && \
#instead of `echo` - use real command with $BUILD_ARG argument
echo $BUILD_ARG && \
#this is for validation purpose only
echo "BUILD_ARG contains $BUILD_ARG"

In the example above - the actual command can be used instead of echo command. However echo is useful during development to validate what values have been passed via the --build-arg option to the docker build command (this is how build secrets from radixconfig are passed in Radix during the build pipeline). Use docker build arguments --progress=plain --no-cache for such validation on development computer

docker build . --build-arg SECRET1=$(echo "some-build-arg"|base64) --progress=plain --no-cache

Note! An ARG instruction goes out of scope at the end of the build stage where it was defined. To use an ARG in multiple stages, each stage must include the ARG instruction (docs):

# Use SDK image (first stage)
FROM AS build-env
#an argument, passed to `docker build` with `--build-arg` option

# Build runtime image (second stage)
#repeate the argument, passed to `docker build` with `--build-arg` option

Build secrets with BuildKit

With an option true, build secrets are not available as ARG-s during container build. Build secrets can be mounted as files within the RUN directive. BuildKit is an improved backend to replace the legacy builder. Read more.


Docker build workflow has some differences for the command docker build, for example how ARG with BuildKit persists across build stages.

Mount a secret with secret name as id:SECRET1 argument and assign its to BUILD_ARG, reading it from the file in the folder /run/secrets, where it is mounted with a file name same as the secret's name

Syntax: RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SECRET_NAME,dst=DESTINATION_PATH COMMAND, where:

  • SECRET_NAME is a name of a build secret, defined in the radixconfig.yaml option.
  • COMMAND is a single or multiple commands (separated by &&, semicolon or space), which can use the file with a secret.
  • DESTINATION_PATH is an optional path to a folder, where file with a secret will be created. Default is /run/secrets, if not specified.

#one secret in the specified destination file and folder /abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SECRET1,dst=/abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt export BUILD_ARG=$(cat /abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt) && \

#one secret in the default destination file and folder /run/secrets and a file with a name, the same as the secret name
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SECRET1 export BUILD_ARG=$(cat /run/secrets/SECRET1) && \

Development and troubleshooting

For verification that secrets are used as expected, Docker image can be built and run locally. Environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 is set for the command in case if the build ToolKit is not set by default for the local Docker engine:

  • Create a Dockerfile, which uses a secret (see an example above)
  • Create a local file, containing a secret: /some-path/secret1.txt
  • Build a Docker image with an option --secret, referring to this file path and the secret name, used in the Dockerfile
    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --secret id=SECRET1,src=/some-path/secret1.txt -t some-image-name
    • To see full build log and avoid cached layers, add options --progress=plain --no-cache
    • To easy run the built image, add a target image name -t some-image-name
    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --secret id=SECRET1,src=/some-path/secret1.txt -t some-image-name --progress=plain --no-cache
  • Optionally, run the built image to verify that secrets used as expected
    docker run -it some-image-name
  • Multiple build secrets can be added as multiple RUN --mount options (and docker build options --secrets). Different dst files can be used

    #one secret in the specified destination file and folder /abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt
    RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SECRET1,dst=/abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt \
    --mount=type=secret,id=DB_PASSWORD,dst=/config/db-pass.txt \
    export BUILD_ARG=$(cat /abc/my-secrets/secret-1.txt) && \
    export DB_PASS=$(cat /config/db-pass.txt) && \
    echo $BUILD_ARG && \
    echo $DB_PASS
    Run it locally
    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --secret id=SECRET1,src=/some-path/secret1.txt --secret id=DB_PASSWORD,src=/maybe-another-path/db_password.txt -t some-image-name --progress=plain --no-cache
  • Files, created by a RUN --mount options are available only for commands, executed in that particular RUN, not in following RUN commands or within Docker container, running with this image.
  • If a file, specified in the dst option already exists, it will be overridden in the RUN, where the --mount option use it, but it will have original content in further layers
    #put some original text to a file /abc/db_server.txt
    RUN mkdir -p /abc && echo "default-server-name">/abc/db_server.txt
    #verify the file contents a text "default-server-name"
    RUN cat /abc/db_server.txt
    #get secret value to the same file and veryfy it contains a value from the secret, overriding the original text
    RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SECRET1,dst=/abc/db_server.txt cat /abc/db_server.txt
    #verify the file again contents text "default-server-name"
    RUN cat /abc/db_server.txt
  • Secrets can contain multi-line text, for example - configuration files
  • With an option true components are built not in the Azure ACR task, but within the Radix Kubernetes cluster. Such pipeline job can encounter some performance difference, which will be monitored and tuned.